Opening Night Film: MAIDENTRIP!

I’m so excited about opening night film at CJFF this year I can’t stand it.  Maidentrip is the perfect film to kick off Citizen Jane in our 6th year and for our community to experience together on the big screen of the majestic Missouri Theatre.  Since so much of the mission of Citizen Jane is to show an alternative world where women in front of the camera are more than eye candy or lame plot points, this film fits the bill and then some.  And although you really can’t get more land-locked than Columbia, Missouri, the documentary Maidentrip is about so much more than sailing and a reminder that we are all at the helms our own ship so to speak.  A beautiful and provocative coming-of-age film about youth, independence, and exploration, I hope it will leave you wanting to explore the world as much as it did me.  And I also really appreciate the understated approach of the filmmaker Jillian Schlesinger.    She  follows 14-year-old Laura Decker’s journey around the world while mostly showing the quietness and peace of a rather typical days in her life.  And it’s a reminder that we should never underestimate anyone, and certainly a young woman.  Here’s an interesting interview about the filmmaking process with filmmaker Jilliain Schlesinger from Her Film Project.  It won’t give the film away, but gives you a sense of two capable young women each pursuing her passions.  One on the sea.  One on film.  Hope you can join us on Friday, October 4th for our first film of the festival.  And hopefully it will leave you wanting to explore the other films the rest of the weekend.